Friday, 16 March 2012


Fugue: Hi Georgia, how are you?
Georgia: Ah on average… I’M FEELING GREAT! I couldn’t dream of a better lifestyle right now.

F: Well that’s good to hear! How does it feel to leave such a successful band to make a career of your own?
G: It was such a hard decision, but personal issues got in the way of our friendship – working with 3 guys who are all best friends could be difficult to handle at times! I’m still in contact with two out of the three…

F: We’ll leave that there… So while you were a member of The Skeleton Boys, you made a music video to your number one single, how was that?
G: The months of filming that video were the funniest months of my life, filming in the pool and in the forest at unsociable hours was great fun! I think I was closest with the boys during filming; it makes me sad to watch that video now though as it reminds me of how things used to be!

F: Ah, we understand that it’s a sensitive topic so we’ll move on from your old life. Georgia, how did you come about the song, Symmetrical?
G: If I’m completely honest, it started from the cliché idea that ‘boys are attracted to girls with symmetrical faces’… and I sort of rebelled against that – as I don’t have a very symmetrical face at all.

F: That’s an intriguing song meaning, and we’ve never noticed your unsymmetrical face before! What would you say are your biggest influences in your style?
G: Well that’s surprising… my mum mentions it to me all the time!! Ooo tricky question, I like to think that I take a twist on some original styles. I look at LookBook online a lot, and I am subscribed to a stupid amount of fashion magazines! However I’m repeatedly drawn to the grunge/punk kind of styles – obviously not too dramatically but sometimes I dress

F: We love the grunge looks! Now I know that everyone’s dying to know where you shop?!
G: This is going to be the most boring answer ever – I shop anywhere. Anywhere I can find anything that I like… I’ll sometimes go to Topshop or H&M, and other times I’ll pop into vintage shops or charity shops – yes, I’m very into the second hand clothing! It means I can buy more for less… rather than having a restricted expensive wardrobe.

F: Would you say you have any particular style icons?
G: I tend to just look around the streets a lot and see what people are wearing, especially when I visit bigger cities… I’m still yet to visit Paris – it would be my absolute dream to venture out there! Other than that, I love Alice Glass’ style… and Courtney Love in her younger days.

F: Paris?! Sounds adventurous, would you go out there to perform? Or just to visit?
G: If I managed to get a venue to perform at I would be thrilled, although… would I have to sing in French?! Imagine that. I’d definitely still just go there to visit though, it’s a stunning place – and I’m not into all the romance sh*t but it looks so lovely.

F: You’re not into romance? Are there no relationships on the horizon then?
G: Oh God no! My career is my only love interest right now... except food.

F: We’ve also noticed your fans trying to talk to you all the time on your Twitter page… Does that get annoying or do you like that they’re interested in talking to you?
G: I absolutely love that my followers tweet me all the time, I try to reply to as many as possible but sometimes I won’t check my twitter for a few days and people will be like ‘YOU NEVER NOTICE ME I’M CRYING,’ and I just sit there like ‘oops’.

F: Do you have any celebrity friends yet - even if they’re just following you on Twitter?
G: I’m being followed by Fearne Cotton which is AMAZING, I love her style and general personality a lot, she’s so inspiring. But other than that I haven’t really made the effort yet – I feel like people won’t know that I’m a musician and they’ll just assume I’m a teenage fan girl!

F: We love Fearne Cotton! Have you met any of your idols in person yet?
G: I met Taylor Momsen a few weeks ago which was exciting! I just stood speechless like an idiot, I’m glad I managed to stutter some words to her!

F: Now, we best get back onto the topic of your career… Have you been asked to do any gigs yet? We know that the FUGUE tour is eager to get you on the line-up!
G: Are they?! Excellent - I’d love to come on the FUGUE tour. I’ve only played in small bars and venues so far, for example The Musician, and The Shed, both in Leicester. I’m planning on trying to perform at an O2 Academy… That’s my challenge for May this year!

F: Georgia, have you thought about doing any collaborations? or do you have anyone in particular who you have always wanted to sing with?
G: I’d have to say a collaboration is definitely on the cards but I can’t tell you who with yet! Other than that, I like Foster the People and would like to meet them and discuss a small collab!

F: Yes, Foster the People are great! Apparently they’re fun to hang out with as well! Now we’ve heard you have a weakness for dance music, is this true?
G: Oh dear, you caught me! Whenever I’m on a night out I’m always caught dancing to the most embarrassing of songs, I just can’t help it!

F: We love your honesty! Now, who would you say were your influences for wanting to start a career in music?
G: Well, I’ve been singing since I was talking, but mainly bands like Nirvana, or The Beatles... But then for my solo career I’d have to say Alice Glass, Courtney Love, and Taylor Momsen.

F: You have a good range of influences then! Do you think you and the other Skeleton Boys will reform?
G: I can’t see that happening if I’m honest, it’s a great shame as we produced 4 albums together which have no just become memories - but you never know! I don’t think our friendships will ever be the same again.

F: That’s a shame to hear, the band will be missed greatly by their fans! Even your group Twitter account has become inactive! What are your plans over the next year, Georgia?
G: Yep! It’s all official now, we each have individual accouts however which you can find links to on my Twitter page @OfficialGeorgia_. Over the next year - who knows!!!! I’m hoping to create my album with a few friends of mine, I have a close friend who is a great songwriter so I’m sure he’ll be accompanying me around for a while... other than that, I have a few small gigs lined up, and hopefully more to come!

F: That’s what we like to hear – some challenges here and there! Well it’s been great to talk to you and find out a bit more about yourself, thanks Georgia.
G: It’s my pleasure – any time! Really, any time… I have nothing planned for this summer yet ‘hint hint’… Thank you very much for having me FUGUE, I look forward to hearing from you!

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