Sunday, 5 February 2012


Martin Schoeller is a photographer of celebrities, he usually takes mugshot style photos and I have looked at some of them for inspiration for my front cover. His photographs are typically taken against a white background and are close-ups of just the celebrity's faces, here are some examples:

                                        Britney Spears                        Emma Watson

                                       Natalie Portman                      Daniel Radcliffe

                                       Katy Perry                               Pink
Angelina Jolie

I have chosen mainly girls so that I can visually compare them to my chosen fictional artist, Georgia. I have a 'mug shot' style photo of Georgia to compare to these images - although it is not against a white background, she still looks as though she is having a passport photo taken. The photos of Emma Watson and Katy Perry are my two favourite photos as they have some character in them, although they are still posing with a straight face.

Georgia's mugshot style photos:

I took three of her, one plain mug shot, another was unintentional as she was laughing, and the third was a 'joke' one that actually turned out well. The third image was inspired by the photograph of Pink by Martin Schoeller, as Pink is also pulling a face in her mug shot. I used a floral wallpaper background as it was easily accessible for some practise shots, I will change this to my background of choice when I am taking any final photographs.

1 comment:

  1. These are excellent photo's (cracking wallpaper too though obviously no wall paper in the proper ones please).
